How To Prep Your Pickup for a Cross Country Trip

Are you thinking about taking a cross-country trip on your own? Taking your time and camping along the way will enable you to see many things at a low cost. It will be a time of self-discovery as you visit monuments and other historical and beautiful places. Taking a few precautions before you go will ensure your trip is safe and disaster-free. Here are some tips for prepping your pickup for that trip.

Make Sure the Engine Is in Excellent Condition

Take your pickup in for a tune-up and change the oil. Think about investing in Fass fuel systems so that your truck runs more efficiently and you’ll have more power. You’ll save on fuel costs. Make sure your engine is running at full capacity before you begin, so your trip won’t be interrupted while you wait for repairs on your broken-down truck.

Invest in a Camper Top

By getting a camper shell and installing it on the bed of your pickup, you’ll turn your truck into a camper. That way you don’t have to mess with setting up a tent in the rain and taking it down the next day. Having a camper shell added to your truck will provide you with a safe shelter from the elements.

Buy a Foam Mattress

Once you have a shell added to your pickup truck, buy a single-sized foam mattress and store it in the back of your pickup. You’ll have a place to sleep that’s already set up and waiting for you. You won’t have to worry about blowing up an air mattress and patching those inevitable leaks.

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Get an Ice Chest and Portable Stove

By cooking your meals each night along the way and fixing sandwiches at noon, you save money and eat far better than you would by stopping at all those restaurants and fast food places. Propane stoves and the fuel they utilize are affordable and easy to use.

Also, invest in an ice chest to store sandwich meat, and other fresh foods you plan to use for delicious meals. Better yet, buy a small refrigerator. You can get one that runs off of your car’s battery.

Carry Water

You’ll need water for cooking and for washing your hands as well as for drinking, so be sure to pack a five or ten-gallon water cooler. Store it in a place where you have easy access to it throughout the day.

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