4 Best Foods for Preventing Hair Loss

Dealing with hair loss can create stress and embarrassment. Luckily, there are many topical and internal ways to prevent or treat hair loss. One way to deal with this problem is through proper nutrition. Here are some items you should have in your kitchen pantry to assist in hair growth and fullness.

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Spinach, kale, chard, watercress, arugula and collard greens are common leafy vegetables. Consuming these greens provides the body with vitamin C, folate, vitamin A and iron. 

You can get 6 milligrams of iron in one cup of cooked spinach. Iron deficiency is strongly connected to hair loss, so start drinking some green smoothies. Stop into a juice bar en route to hair loss treatment for women Westchester County NY.

2. Vitamin C Enriched Food

The body uses vitamin C to make collagen and absorb iron. It also protects the hair from damaging free radicals. Collagen is a special protein that builds hair and helps skin maintain elasticity.

You may take vitamin C in pill form, but it is always ideal to get vitamins from food. Foods such as oranges, peppers, broccoli, kiwi, cherries, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, cantaloupe, strawberries and cabbage are very rich in this nutrient.

3. Seeds and Nuts

Nuts not only taste great but are also packed with nutrients such as vitamin E, selenium, omega-3 and zinc. Add some almonds, chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts or cashews to your yogurt. Flax seeds prevent dry hair, and chia seeds contain 23% protein.

Your body can’t make trace elements like selenium or zinc. While you can get them from supplements, it’s more beneficial to allow your body to absorb trace elements from foods like seeds or nuts. Selenium kills harmful free radicals that impede hair growth and regrowth.

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Zinc is important for the hair’s repair cycle. Telogen effluvium is a form of hair loss caused by zinc deficiency. By getting enough zinc in your diet, you can reverse this condition.

4. Fatty Fish

B vitamins, protein and selenium all promote healthy, full hair. Fatty fish are abundant in these nutrients, as well as Omega-3s. Salmon, mackerel and tuna are the most popular fatty fish.  

Omega-3 stops the inflammation of hair follicles, a condition that may result in hair loss. Studies have reported that Omega-3 supplementation can increase hair thickness within a few months.

If you want to prevent hair loss, eat a nutritious diet. The body only absorbs about 40% of vitamins from supplements, so focus on whole foods. Don’t forget to clean and moisturize your hair and scalp regularly. In the event of hair loss, you have many professional treatment options to consider as well.

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